Concise Encyclopedia of Hinduism

(Michael S) #1
231 Thematic Bibliography

Roy, D.K., and Devi, J. Kumbha: India’s Ageless Festival.Bombay, Bharatiya
Vidya Bhavan, 1955
Sakare, M.R. History and Philosophy of the Lingayata Religion.Belgaum, publ.
by the author, 1942
Schour, K. and McLeod, W.H. (eds.) The Saints: Studies in a Devotional Tradition
of India.Delhi–Benaresi–Patna–Madras, Motilal Banarsidass, 1987.
Sharma, H.D. Brahmanical Asceticism. Poona, Oriental Book Agency, 1939
Sheth, Noel, The Divinity of Krishna.Delhi, Munshiram Manoharlal, 1984
Shinn, L.D. The Dark Lord: Cult Images and the Hare Krishnas in America.
Philadelphia, Westminster, 1987
Shulman, D.D. Tamil Temple Myths: Sacrifice and Divine Marriage in the South
Indian Saiva Tradition.Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1980
Siegel, L. Fires of Love – Waters of Peace: Passion and Renunciation in Indian
Culture.Honolulu, University of Hawaii Press, 1983
Siegel, L. Sacred and Profane Dimensions of Love in Indian Traditions as exem-
plified in the Gitagovinda of Jayadeva.Oxford, Oxford University Press,
Singer, M. (ed.) Krishna: Myths, Rites and Attitudes.Chicago, University of
Chicago Press, 1969
Sirkar, D.C. The Sakta Pithas, Delhi, Motilal Banarsidass, 1948 (rev. ed.)
Staal, J.F. AGNI: The Vedic Ritual of the Fire Altar,2 vols. Berkeley, University
of California Press, 1983
Staal, J.F. The Science of Ritual. Poona, Deccan Institute, 1982
Stevenson, M. The Rites of the Twice Born. Oxford, Oxford University Press,
Strickman, M. (ed.) Classical Asian Rituals and the Theory of Ritual.Berlin,
Springer, 1986
Underhill, M.M. The Hindu Religious Year. Calcutta, Association Press, 1921
Vidyarthi, L.P. Aspects of Religion in Indian Society.Meerut, Vednat Nath
Rammath, 1962
Vogel, J.P. Indian Serpent Lore.London, Probsthain, 1926
Waghorne, J.P. and Cutler, N. (eds.) Gods of Flesh/Gods of Stone: The
Embodiment of Divinity in India.Chambersburg, Anima Publications, 1985
Welborn, G. and Yocum, G.E. (eds.) Religious Festivals in South India and Sri
Lanka. Delhi, Manohar, 1985
Whaling, F. The Rise of the Religious Significance of Rama.Delhi, Motilal
Banarsidass, 1980
Whitehead, H. The Village Gods of South India, Religious Life of India Series.
Calcutta, Association Press, 1921 (2nd edn)
Wilson, H.H. Religious Sects of the Hindus.London, Trübner & Co., 1861;
repr. Calcutta, Punthi Pustak, 1958
Woodroffe, J. (Arthur Avalon) Introduction to Tantra Sastra.Madras, Ganesh
& Co., 1963 (4th edn)
Yamunacarya, M. Ramanuja’s Teachings in his Own Words. Bombay,
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, 1963
Zvelebil, K. Tiru Murugan. Madras, International Institute of Tamil Studies,

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