Concise Encyclopedia of Hinduism

(Michael S) #1
animal sacrifice


annihilation (saƒhära, pralaya)
One of the three divine cosmic func-
tions. According to a fairly common
Hindu belief, the universe is annihilated
after each KALPA, and remains in a state
of potentiality for the duration of a
kalpa. Within the trimürti(Brahmä–
Vi•æu–Ÿiva) Ÿiva is called the ‘destroyer’.

anøta (‘violation of the law’)
The opposite of ØTA, the moral law.

Äæflä¶, also Goõä (725–55 CE)
The only female among the Ä®VÄRS.
Her original name was Kotai and she
grew up in the shadow of the temple of
Ÿrïvilliputtur, now boasting the tallest
GOPURAin India, built in her honour.
Without the knowledge of her father (a
temple priest) she draped the garland
intended for worship of the IMAGE
around her, posing as God’s bride. She
spent her days in worship, composing
hymns and refused to accept anyone but
Vi•æu as her husband. A festive ceremo-
ny was arranged to marry her to Vi•æu
at ŸRÏRA¢GAM. When she approached
the image, she mysteriously disappeared
into it. A temple was built in her honour
at Ÿrïvilliputtur where her songs are
sung daily.

antar-ätman (‘the self within’)
Spirit, innner feelings, heart.

antaryämi (‘the inner ruler’)
According to VAIÆŒAVA theology, the
form of the deity that dwells in the
human heart and guides it, and accom-

panies it through the experiences of
heaven and hell.


aæu (‘atom’)
According to VAIŸESIKAthe smallest unit
of matter, the fourth part of a mäträ
(the diameter of a speck of dust visible
in a ray of sunshine).

anugraha (‘favour’)
God’s saving grace.

anumäna (‘inference’)
One of the PRAMÄŒAS(valid means to
find truth) accepted by most Hindu
schools of thought.

anuräga (‘passionate love’)
One of the (higher) forms of BHAKTI.

apara jñäna (‘lower knowledge’)
A kind of cognition that is still associat-
ed with objects and therefore not capa-
ble of liberating its practitioner.

aparädha (‘fault’)
Sin, breach of an injunction which
requires penance.

aparigraha (‘not grasping’)
Freedom from greed, one of the 10
virtues recommended by the YOGA-
SÜTRAas preparation for meditation; a
key word for Mahatma GANDHI, who
interpreted it as meaning total depen-
dence on God’s providence.

Demon-dwarf, symbol of ignorance and
forgetfulness, crushed under Ÿiva’s right
foot in his cosmic dance.

23 Äpasmära

Encyclo - Letter A 10/2/03 9:37 am Page 23

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