1000 Solved Problems in Modern Physics

(Tina Meador) #1

Preface ix

magnetic and weak, the conservation laws applicable to the three types of interac-
tions, Gell-mann’s formula, the properties of quarks and classification into super-
multiplets, the types of weak decays and Cabibbo’s theory, the neutrino oscillations,
Electro–Weak interaction, the heavy bosons and the Standard model.


It is a pleasure to thank Javid for the bulk of typing and suggestions and Maryam
for proof reading. I am indebted to Muniba for the line drawings, to Suraiya, Maq-
sood and Zehra for typing and editing. I am grateful to the Universities of UK and
India for permitting me to use their question papers cited in the text to CERN photo
service for the cover page to McGraw-Hill and Co: for a couple of diagrams from
Quantum Mechanics, L.I. Schiff, 1955, to Cambridge University Press for using
some valuable information from Introduction to High Energy Physics, D.H. Perkins
and to Ginn and Co: and Pearson and Co: for access to Differential and Integral
Calculus, William A. Granville, 1911. My thanks are due to Springer-Verlag, in
particular Claus Ascheron, Adelheid Duhm and Elke Sauer for constant encourage-

Murphy, Texas Ahmad A. Kamal
February 2010

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