1000 Solved Problems in Modern Physics

(Tina Meador) #1
3.2 Problems 145

boundaries, write down general expressions for the wavefunctions in these
regions and the form the time-independent Schrodinger equation takes in
each region. What ratio of wavefunction amplitudes is needed to determine
the transmission coefficient?
(c) Write down the boundary conditions forψand dψ/dxatx=0 andx=L.
(d) A full algebraic solution for these boundary conditions is time consuming.
In the approximation for a tall or wide barrier, the transmission coefficient
Tis given by

T= 16





1 −




e−^2 αL, whereα^2 = 2 m




DetermineTfor electrons of energyE=2 eV, striking a potential of
valueW=5 eV and widthL= 0 .3nm.
(e) Describe four examples where quantum mechanical tunneling is observed.
3.45 A particle of massmmoves in a 2-D potential well,V(x,y)=0for0<x<a
and 0<y<a, with walls atx= 0 ,aandy= 0 ,a. Obtain the energy eigen
functions and eigen values.

3.46 A particle of massmis trapped in a 3-Dinfinite potential well with sides of
length a each parallel to thex-, y-, z-axes. Obtain an expression for the number
of statesN(N1) with energy, say less thanE.

3.47 A particle of massmis trapped in a hollow sphere of radiusRwith impenetra-
ble walls. Obtain an expression for the force exerted on the walls of the sphere
by the particle in the ground state.

3.48 Starting from Schrodinger’s equation find the number of bound states for a par-
ticle of mass 2,200 electron mass in a square well potential of depth 70 MeV
and radius 1. 42 × 10 −^13 cm.
[University of Glasgow 1959]
3.49 A beam of particles of momentumk 1 are incident on a rectangular potential
well of depthV 0 and widtha. Show that the transmission amplitude is given by


4 k 1 k 2 e−ik^1 a
(k 2 +k 1 )^2 e−ik^2 a−(k 2 −k 1 )^2 eik^2 a

wherek 2 =


2 m(E−V 0 )

] 1 / 2

Show thatτ∗=1 whenk 2 a=nπ. Further, show graphically the varia-
tion ofT, the transmission coefficient as a function ofE/V 0 , whereEis the
incident particle energy.

3.50 (a) What are virtual particles? What are space-like and Time-like four momen-
tum vectors for real and virtual particles?
(b) Derive Klein – Gorden equation and deduce Yukawa’s potential.

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