French Vocabulary

(Nandana) #1

122 practice makes perfect French Vocabulary

Ils sont parisiens. Th ey are from Paris.
Elles sont parisiennes. Th ey are from Paris.

Th ere are many adjectives that indicate the region or city in France a person comes from.

Mireille est niçoise. Mireille is from Nice.
Fernand est marseillais. Fernand is from Marseilles.

Adjectives are also frequently used to describe a culinary specialty of a region or a city. Ex-
amples of such specialties with brief descriptions are included in the following list.

alsacien(ne) from the Alsace region
Riesling alsacien Alsatian Riesling wine
bourguignon(ne) from the Burgundy region
bœuf bourguignon beef cooked in Burgundy wine
breton(ne) from the Brittany region
crêpe bretonne thin pancake
lorrain(e) from the Lorraine region
quiche lorraine egg, cheese, ham, and cream quiche

L’apparence physique (Physical appearance)

Some frequently used adjectives to describe a person oft en describe the hair, eyes, size, and

baraqué well built
beau, belle handsome, beautiful
blond(e) blond
châtain(e) brown haired
dodu(e) plump
fl uet(te), élancé(e) slender
grand(e) tall
grisonnant(e) grayish (hair)
gros, grosse fat
jeune young
joli(e) pretty
laid(e) ugly
maigre skinny
mignon(ne) cute
mince thin
moche ugly
musclé(e) muscular
petit(e) small
ridé(e) wrinkled
roux, rousse red haired
séduisant(e) attractive, seductive
sexy sexy
trapu(e) stocky
vieux, vieille old

Cette actrice est très séduisante. Th is actress is very seductive.
Mon père est grisonnant sur les côtés. My father is getting gray hair on the sides.
Ce garçon est petit mais musclé. Th at boy is small but muscular.
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