French Vocabulary

(Nandana) #1
Life and living 5

l’union libre (f.) common-law union
les vœux de mariage (m. pl.) marriage vows

Les fi ançailles sont souvent suivies de la Th e engagement is oft en followed by a public
publication des bans. announcement of marriage.
Le mariage est un événement important A wedding is a signifi cant moment in life.
dans la vie.
La séparation entre deux personnes Th e separation of two married people oft en ends
mariées fi nit souvent en divorce. in divorce.
Le concubinage n’est pas une union légale Common-law relationships are not legal unions
en France. in France.

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Les grands moments de la vie. Important moments of life. Put the following life
markers in chronological order from birth to death, using the letters A through L. Use the
letter A for birth and end with the letter L for death.

  1. les fi ançailles

  2. la mort

  3. le divorce

  4. les rapports intimes

  5. la grossesse

  6. le mariage

  7. la lune de miel

  8. la séparation

  9. le second mariage

  10. la maturité

  11. la naissance

  12. les noces de diamant

De l’enfant à l’adulte (From child to adult)

French children and adolescents spend a lot of time with their families (en famille), sharing food
and conversation with grown-ups. Kids are included when their parents host family or friends,
and they are expected to socialize with people from various age groups.

l’adolescent (e) adolescent
l’adulte (m./f.) adult
le/la célibataire bachelor
le couple couple
la dame lady
la demoiselle young lady
l’enfant (m./f.) child
l’époux (m.), l’épouse (f.) spouse
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