French Vocabulary

(Nandana) #1
Animals and nature 37

L’ail est dans tous les plats provençaux. All Provençal dishes have garlic.
Dans la salade niçoise, il y a de la laitue In a Niçoise salad, there is lettuce and tuna.
et du thon.
J’ai du persil frais de mon jardin. I have fresh parsley from my garden.
Aujourd’hui j’ai envie de manger Today I feel like eating asparagus.
des asperges.

3 · 11


Soupe, salade ou dessert? Soup, salad, or dessert? Write soupe, salade, or dessert
after each series of words as appropriate. (More than one answer may apply.)

  1. haricots, petit pois

  2. bananes, fraises

  3. laitue, radis

  4. tomates, basilic

  5. raisin, framboises

  6. endive, épinards

  7. romarin, carottes

  8. céleri, laitue

  9. poivron vert, artichaut

  10. pastèque, melon

Les fl eurs, les plantes et les arbres (Flowers, plants, and trees)

Flowers, plants, and trees are important parts of the environment, and French people love gar-
dens where they can grow their favorite fl owers, fruits, vegetables, and trees. Many people leave

the city on weekends to tend to their jardin. Since France has four seasons, people are oft en quite
preoccupied with seeding and planting at the right time of year.

le chêne oak
le coquelicot poppy
l’hêtre beech tree
le lierre ivy
le lilas lilac
le lys lily
la marguerite daisy
le muguet lily of the valley
l’œillet (m.) carnation
l’orchidée (f.) orchid
l’orme (m.) elm
le palmier palm tree
la plante annuelle annual
la rose rose
le sapin fi r tree
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