Essential Skills Manual - Automotive Service Technician

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Automotive Service Technician
NOC 7321

Page 126 Automotive Service Technician
NOC 7321

TR3 Read to Perform Job Tasks

Upon completion of this objective, learners will be able to:

3.1 identify purpose of reading information to perform job tasks
3.2 locate specific information
ƒ scan to locate specific information
ƒ locate information using organizational features of text
3.3 skim for overall meaning
3.4 read to understand and learn
3.5 read to critique
3.6 read to evaluate

Suggested Strategies and Activities:

ƒ Use organizational features to predict content and relevance of text
ƒ Locate information using key words
ƒ Scan for information in trade-related material (i.e., texts, memos, newsletters,
safety information, equipment manuals and regulations)
ƒ Practice skimming to get the main idea in reading material of the trade ( i.e.,
texts, memos, newsletters, safety information, equipment manuals,
specifications and regulations)
ƒ Use Table of Contents, Indices, Appendices, Headings and Sub-headings to
locate information in material of the trade (i.e., texts, collective agreements,
manuals, specifications and regulations)
ƒ Read selections of text and provide a verbal or written summary
ƒ Read installation manuals to follow procedures
ƒ Compare the advantages and disadvantages of various tools or materials for a
particular situation
ƒ Interpret written procedures (i.e., housekeeping, first aid, handling toxic
ƒ Read and apply Occupational Health and Safety regulations to determine safe
work practices or to comply with acceptable standards
ƒ Read manufacturers’ information on vehicle and parts
ƒ Follow written procedures (i.e., operating procedures for hand tools, disposal of
recyclable material, use of fire extinguishers)
ƒ Read environment and industry regulations about emission controls
ƒ Read legislation regarding the use of personal protective equipment
ƒ Read professional development and technical information in industry magazines
ƒ Read and interpret manufacturers’ specifications

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