Essential Skills Manual - Automotive Service Technician

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Automotive Service Technician
NOC 7321

Page 174

Automotive Service Technician
NOC 7321

PM10 Use Rate, Ratio and Proportion

Upon completion of this objective, learners will be able to:

10.1 describe the differences among rate, ratio and proportion

10.2 give examples of how rate, ratio and proportion are used in the trade

10.3 write numbers as proportions

10.4 use knowledge of rate to solve problems

10.5 use knowledge of ratio to solve problems

10.6 use knowledge of proportion to solve problems

Non-contextualized Resources:

ƒ NWT Apprenticeship Support Materials, Module 1 (Foundations)
ƒ Introductory Technical Mathematics, 5th Edition
ƒ Fundamental Mathematics, 4th Edition
ƒ Pre-Apprentice Training-A Test Preparation Manual for the Skilled Trades

Contextualized Resources:

ƒ EARAT (Mathematics for Motive Power Apprentices: Skill #7)
ƒ Math for the Automotive Trade, 4th Edition
ƒ Math for the Automotive Trade, 4th Edition (CD)
ƒ Practical Problems in Mathematics for Automotive Technicians, 6th Edition
ƒ Automotive Math Handbook

Technical Resources:

ƒ Automotive Technology: Principles, Diagnosis, and Service, Canadian Edition
ƒ Automotive Technology: A Systems Approach, 4th Edition (with CD Rom)
ƒ Individual Learning Module 090202b-Automotive Service Technician-
Differentials- Second Period
ƒ Individual Learning Module 090202c-Automotive Service Technician-Final Drive
Gear Sets-Second Period
ƒ Individual Learning Module 090203a-Automotive Service Technician-Electrical
Fundamentals II-Second Period
ƒ Individual Learning Module 090302b-Automotive Service Technician-Combustion
and Exhaust Emissions-Third Period

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