Poetry of Revolution: Romanticism and National Projects

(Sean Pound) #1
Réveiller l’harmonie et l’encens de nos monts,
Qu’au bruit de la fanfare et de l’artillerie
Le peuple saluera le jour de la Patrie,
Suspendez vos plaisirs, recueillez votre cœur,
Songez à nos héros, songez à l’Empereur. (4-10)

The military fanfare vocabulary throughout the poem and especially in this first stanza

indeed suggests that this poem was written for national celebration. In this way, it seems very

much in line with much of the commissioned poetry in Haiti prior to and during this time.

Unlike what one might expect, however, from partisan poetry, the poem is not celebrating the

achievements and greatness of the current leader. Boyer, for example, and his successful

negotiating of French recognition of Haitian independence are never mentioned. Rather, the key

to self discovery is located in a national, even if somewhat imagined, ideal past. The

“tomorrow” then is less literal and refers instead to a future time which will rejoin these past

accomplishments. The prefix “re” in words like “réveiller” and “reluira” suggests a repeating, a

renewal of actions and states which have already come to pass. The ideas of discovery and

awakening not only imply taking up a previous activity, a passing to action after a period of

inaction, but also convey a sense of making known or exposing what has been hidden from

view. In this way, the implication becomes that something located in the past and projected into

the future is missing, perhaps deliberately so, in the present time. The article in L’Union which

precedes Nau’s poems indicates that its editors were celebrating not so much French recognition

per se, but rather Haiti’s renewed and self-appointed mission to both reclaim national identity

and advance African causes. An anonymous editor writes:

Notre attention est plus particulièrement dirigée chez nous; car par le cours
naturel des choses, Haïti devrait être à la tête de la civilisation africaine et devrait
prendre l’initiative, et en tout ce qui concerne l’avancement de la race à laquelle
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