Poetry of Revolution: Romanticism and National Projects

(Sean Pound) #1

been poems about love and nature.^265 It appears that he too changed the focus of his writing to

poetry which was more committed to national causes. More than just a change in purpose,

however, is the haunting fact that Mistral of Provence and Latin poets of Rome wrote for nations

which were ultimately marginalized or politically destroyed.

The poem “Introduction” begins with the Muse’s invitation to continue to write poetry

which reflects on nature and which is harmonious and serene:

C’est l’heure de chanter. La nuit calme et sereine
Glissant furtivement, mystérieuse, égrène
Des étoiles d’argent sous les cieux infinis;
Pas un souffle des bois, nul écho dans les nids,
Rien qui vienne troubler la nature muette.
C’est l’heure de chanter. Ranime-toi, poète ;
En chants harmonieux exhale ta langueur
Et fais vibrer ton luth, et fais parler ton cœur. (1-8)

When it is the poet’s turn to speak, however, he responds that he is unable to compose the

type of verse he once loved to write. He begins: “Je le veux, mais mon âme est toujours

oppressée.” The presence of the muse of course harkens back to Greek and Latin poetry; Vergil

addresses the muse in the first few lines of the Aeneid, and Horace in his Odes is occasionally

possessed by the muse and at other times chooses to distance himself from her. In an on-going

exchange between the muse and the poet, the muse in Coicou’s poem persists in inviting the poet

to bring to life the nature that surrounds him. The poet eventually gives a more categorical

response, indicating his departure from previous notions of poetry. His temperament and focus

are no longer compatible with poetry of that sort, and the previously charming descriptions of

nature are not contaminated with grating and somber words:

Assez de ces chants. Oui laissons la nature

(^265) As mentioned previously, Coicou’s Passions was not published until 1903 and in Paris. It is subtitled “Primes
vers d’amours et variations sur de vieux thèmes” one of many indications he had composed these at an earlier date
than the publication indicates.

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