Poetry of Revolution: Romanticism and National Projects

(Sean Pound) #1

American Occupation), tie together these three chapters, with the other unifying tenet being the

Haitian Revolution itself. Anthologies and literary histories, however dismissive, date the start

of Haitian literature precisely to 1804, often starting with the Haitian declaration of

independence. Without the Haitian Revolution, it is not known if or at what point one could

speak of “Haitian” literature. The poetry of Haiti’s nineteenth century is therefore one of

Revolution, one of the many cultural repercussions, to return to Munro’s and Walcott-

Hackshaw’s study, of this monumental event. It is its own revolving topic, the one which

Haitian poets in the nineteenth century return to again and again, whether as celebration, recent

history, remote past, or renewed project.

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