Poetry of Revolution: Romanticism and National Projects

(Sean Pound) #1

certain characteristics of Haitian literature of the 1830s, these terms are inadequate to discuss the

complexities of poetry of this period. More than a reflection of French Romanticism, and

certainly more than a mere precursor to the poetry of twentieth-century Haitian writers like Carl

Brouard and Jacques Roumain, Haitian poetry in the 1830s arguably represents the most

significant turning point in nineteenth-century Haitian literature. The themes of personal history

and more importantly of national history as elaborated in Ardouin’s and Nau’s texts inaugurate

the themes of Haitian poetry which will remain dominant throughout the nineteenth century.

This chapter explores the 1830s as a pivotal time in the development of Haitian poetry as a

national project.

Changes in Haitian society, politics, and economics were dramatic during this time.

Haitian poetry in the 1830s cannot be studied in isolation, and providing an historical context can

only enhance an understanding of the literature of the period. This chapter will therefore begin

with a review of Haitian history from 1820 to 1840, citing twentieth-century historical studies as

well as the Haitian journals Le Républicain and L’Union, both of which serve as valuable

nineteenth-century Haitian sources for the events from 1836-1839. Following this historical

information, recently published articles surrounding the bicentennial of the Haitian Revolution

will also help contextualize the current relevance of Haitian poetry from the 1830s. The personal

poetry of Ardouin and Nau will then be situated in relation to debates already occurring in Haiti

at that time around issues of literary imitation and elitism. The rest of the chapter will be

devoted to examining their national poems, first those about Haiti’s pre-revolutionary past and

finally the poems which feature the Haitian Revolution.

The aforementioned literary journals and the beginnings of Haitian Romantic poetry

developed during the twenty-five year presidency of Jean-Pierre Boyer. His rule is not only the

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