Poetry of Revolution: Romanticism and National Projects

(Sean Pound) #1

only posthumously. The exact composition dates for individual poems are not known, but all

poems appear to have been written prior to or during the mid 1830s when several of their poems

were published. Both poets published not only in L’Union but also in Parisian reviews dealing

with French colonial affairs such as La Revue des colonies during approximately the same

period.^76 All of Ardouin’s poems, even those printed in the above publications, appeared shortly

after his death, which is believed to have been either late 1835 or early 1836.

Although it is not known if French literature was part of the Institution’s curriculum, it is

generally thought that the work of French writers infiltrated Haiti through French journals and

texts arriving from across the Atlantic during this period. As critics like J. Michael Dash and

Leon-François Hoffmann have demonstrated, it has not been difficult to trace the similarities,

stylistically and thematically, between Haitian and French poets in the nineteenth century.^77 It is

also not insignificant that the only two French poets whose poems appear in Le Républicain and

L’Union are Alphonse de Lamartine and Victor Hugo, as it is these two poets whose poetry at

this time incarnates the important veins of Romanticism and the significance of the French

Revolution on personal, social, and historical levels. In the poetry of Lamartine, it is the

personal lyricism, connection to nature, and an array of themes like nostalgia, regret, and the

fleeting nature of human existence which resonated with Haitian poets as universally human

concerns. By the early 1830s, Lamartine’s concern with the social mission of the poet is evident,

and a progressive concept of history was capturing the attention of Haitian intellectuals. An

(^76) Some anthologies of Haitian literature also mention that Ardouin’s and Nau’s poetry was published in La Revue
des deux mondes and La Revue coloniale, although I have not yet found their poetry in these journals.
(^77) Léon-François Hoffmann in Littérature d’Haïti has thematically and stylistically compared the verses of several
poets from the 1830s to show similarities between their work and that of Lamaratine and Hugo. For Dash’s
comments see Literature and Ideology in Haiti: 1915-1961.

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