Poetry of Revolution: Romanticism and National Projects

(Sean Pound) #1

identity, but the consensus is generally that imitation is typically relative and to some degree is

even appropriate. As noted earlier, these early editions of Le Républicain explain that all nations

throughout history have enriched their culture through contacts with others and that one’s

nationality is never independent of all influences.^85 Although very aware of the stakes, many

Haitians in the 1830s did not believe that similarities with French literature signaled a lack of

intelligence or innovation. Rather, consciously appropriating French literary traits would

provide a recognizable framework for Haitian literary expression within and outside of Haiti.

The Haitians affiliated with these journals insist on discarding the mediocre names in French

literature and retaining the superior ones, notably Lamartine and Hugo. One writes: “[...] dans

cette infinité d’ouvrages de tous genres qui se publient journellement en France, il importe de

faire un choix.”^86 Moreover, Haiti’s youth means that all that the literary, institutional,

economical, and cultural traditions which characterize national identity occur over time and as a

process of development, hence the question, “la France du 7ème ou le 8ème siècle, vaut-elle

Haïti aujourd’hui? les nations ne grandissent pas en un jour...”^87

The hyphenated word “moi-même” in Ardouin’s title not only centers with extra

emphasis the personal nature of Ardouin’s poem, but it also highlights the simultaneous situating

of the subject in both the specific and the universal, in an individual difference that retains

human sameness. This similarity becomes a cornerstone of Haitian arguments against racism

and the continued practice of slavery. In this poem, similarity is also an anchoring point for a

subject whose existence is constructed by opposition and negation. At barely twenty-one years

of age, the subject is already “too old,” and although he clearly sees the bare essence of human

(^85) Le Républicain, le 15 août 1836.
(^86) Le Républicain le 15 octobre 1836.
(^87) Le Républicain le 15 octobre 1836.

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