Poetry of Revolution: Romanticism and National Projects

(Sean Pound) #1

poems and quotes could have indicated that a “Haitian-Dominican culture was emerging.”^124 In

the east, Fischer explains, this would have been in the form of poems which were pro-Haitian or

pro-Boyer in sentiment, as all other writing was either highly censored or non-existent. In the

west, however, poets like Ardouin and Nau may have accounted for the Dominican presence

through themes like nature and the Taino which would have applied to both parts of the island, to

the landscape of the entire area, and the history of Haitians and Dominicans alike. Once

separated from the east, there would be even less of a reason to continue to write about the

Taino, and poems more focused on the Haitian Revolution and African culture would thrive as

markers of national identity. Dominican literature in the nineteenth century, on the other hand,

was according to Fischer very reluctant to identity with its African past and almost never

mentions slavery. The Indian tradition, however, continues to prosper in Santo Domingo

throughout the nineteenth-century, where

Against all evidence to the contrary, Spain and the Indians come to be considered
the ancestors of the mulatto nation through fantasies that variously and in
disregard for their mutual exclusivity imagined Dominicans to be the heirs of the
Spanish Golden Age, Catholicism, and American indigenous cultures.^125

Fischer explains that Anacaona and Caonoabo keep reappearing in Dominican literature

as part of the “nostalgic celebrations of the noble indigenous race.”^126 Like Ardouin’s “Une

matinée,” there are also texts which describe how “the utopia of a new Garden of Eden gives

way to the degradations of conquest and genocide.”^127 Anacaona specifically, in fact, is even

more of a Dominican icon than a Haitian one. Captured near what is now Port-au-Prince, she

was executed near the Dominican capital. Eventually, Hispanism and indigenism became the

(^124) Fischer 182.
(^125) Fischer 152.
(^126) Fischer 154.
(^127) Fischer 160.

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