
(Sean Pound) #1

The Science of a Positive Attitude

by Eva Gregory

A Native American elder once described his own inner struggles in this manner: “Inside
of me there are two dogs. One of the dogs is mean and evil. The other dog is good. The
mean dog fights all the time.” When asked which dog wins he reflected for a moment
and replied,“The one I feed the most.” – George Bernard Shaw

Quantum physicists have been playing with the notion that our thoughts and feelings
have a direct influence on the physical world. Everything, they say, is connected through
energy. You know already about the three Laws of Attraction, and how much your
thoughts and feelings have to do with what you create in your life. Did you know that
scientists are now agreeing with what we call the Laws of Attraction? They are!

Here's a simplified explanation of this scientific phenomena we call the Law of

At the sub-atomic level, everything is always in motion. Time and space don’t exist as
we know them. A butterfly merrily flapping its wings in Japan can affect the weather in
New York. It’s all energy that interacts simultaneously.

Thoughts and feelings are also energy. (They have been measured as such).

Because thoughts and feelings are energy, they vibrate (move). Each thought and feel-
ing vibrates at a specific frequency (how fast it vibrates). Negative feelings vibrate at a
slower frequency than positive feelings.

The power (amplitude) of the thought or feeling is affected by the strength of the thought
or feeling, which in turn is impacted by the number of times that thought/feeling is
focused on. That is, if you keep repeating, “money corrupts”, it amplifies the vibration of
that thought.

Remember, everything is energy, and all energy vibrates at a specific characteristic

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