
(Sean Pound) #1

“I am now creating total financial success, in an easy and relaxed manner, in a healthy
and positive way.”

As I repeated these words, something magical happened, in due time:All kinds of
opportunities appeared, all kinds of possible ways to achieve the lofty goal of financial
freedom started to become obvious to me, and then plans just naturally began to form
in my mind. That led instinctively to the next step: making a simple, written plan for
each major goal.

Once Istarted affirming my list of goals, I naturally over time developed clearer and
clearer pictures of each of these goals - and those pictures started to include some
very specific steps to take.

The Power OfImprinting
The process works. My theory is that the repetition of your goals and dreams imprints
them on your subconscious mind, the deep, vast part of your mind that is intimately
connected with, and - in some mysterious way - united with the whole universe. By
simply repeating your goals, you are aligning yourself with the creative power of the

When we affirm we’re going to create our dream, in an easy and relaxed manner, in a
healthy and positive way, our subconscious mind gets immediately to work on it.

Two Powerful,All-inclusive Affirmations
There are two great affirmations to include in your affirmation sessions, or to say at
any time during the day if you find yourself thinking or saying anything limited or
destructive. The power of these words becomes obvious when you affirm them to your-

The first is from a famous French pharmacist, Emile Coue, who saw healing after heal-
ing in his customers after he began giving them this affirmation instead of drugs:
“Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better.”

And when you’re affirming a particular goal, it’s very good to add the words that follow

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