
(Sean Pound) #1

long for, let’s lay out a practice run:

  • It all starts with a decision. That only takes a millisecond of time.

  • Then you take a dramatic step (this one is life-changing). You get real with yourself
    and ask questions like: “What IS prosperity to ME? Is it a financial state, or does it
    have less to do with money and more with free time? What am I willing to give up to
    create a “prosperous” lifestyle? How will this look on a day-to-day basis? What do I
    have to change to achieve this?”

  • Next you make a commitment to do whatever it takes. The more intense your emo-
    tional commitment to create what you want, the faster you’ll get it! That’s why it’s so
    important to go after what you feel passionate about!

  • Finally, harness the power of focused thought to reprogram your neurons. Here’s an
    easy tool to begin to reprogram those neurons:

Every morning get a 3x5 card and write a brief statement of your most important
dream. Then on the other side list one specific thing you will do TODAY to move
closer to your dream. This must be real, specific, and achievable today! Put the card
in your pocket or purse, and DO that specific thing by the end of the day.

In only a month you’ll be astonished at how your life has changed!

© 2004 All Rights Reserved, by Dr Jill Ammon-Wexler, Success Mentor &
Pioneering Brainwave Researcher. Get your free subscription to her
Personal Mastery ezine at http://www.mindpowernews.com/quanta.htm
Free download pdf