
(Sean Pound) #1

I’ll be teaching you to change that, to bring your conscious mind into the loop so it, in a
sense, becomes the steersman.

So the first part of the definition is helping people to be more human rather than acting
like machines that operate almost totally unconsciously, out of conscious control.

Transposition is defined as the process of interchanging. In our case, we are taking a
memory of success in one aspect of life or in the same aspect at a different time in life
and transposing it to create success in a different aspect and/or time.

Now that you have been introduced to the name of the process, let’s move on to dis-
covering how to use it to manifest your highest dreams.


Three Steps To More Cash
You’re about to learn how a tried and tested three step process can transform your
world and bring you all the riches you’ve ever imagined. I’ve proven this method will
work by testing it on 50,000 people. Now you’re going to prove it will work for you.

First, let me introduce you to the basic three steps:

1.Create a Targetthat defines what you want, one that is clearly understood by all
aspects of your un-conscious mind.

Think of the bull’s eye of an archery target with its concentric circles enclosing a cen-
tral red circle. Your unconscious mind needs something as clear as that circle, a target
that indicates exactly what you want.

2.Prioritize your Target:Flag it so that you will remain unconsciously focused on
it while you get on with your normal activities.

Imagine a large crows of people, all dressed alike in gray. Now picture one of them
holding up your highly graphic bulls’eye target with the bright red center. Chances are,

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