
(Sean Pound) #1

pen surprisingly quickly. There’s nothing in your life, no health problem, no relationship
problem and no financial problem that you can’t permanently change with the applica-
tion of this law!

Sow a thought and reap an act. Sow an act and reap a habit. Sow a habit and reap a
character. Sow a character and reap a destiny!

Even something that you neglect, avoid, or procrastinate doing has an effect. Doing
nothing is a cause in itself that has an effect; the consequences of which are

It’s not the theory of cause and effect, it the Law of Cause and Effect. By understand-
ing it, and applying it you can immediately change your life for the better.

This article is adapted from Tom Payne’s audio-cassette
“The 7 Dynamic Keys that will Transform Your Life”, available exclusively
through http://www.PersonalPowerNow.com.au
Free download pdf