
(Sean Pound) #1

Creating Wealth

by Karim Hajee

Ever wonder how some people have a lot of money and just keep making more and
more money - while some people struggle to make ends meet - even though they keep
doing everything they can to make more money? Or why some people always have
the money to buy what they want while others continue to pile up their debts even
though they have a decent job? I’m going to explain why this happens and how you
can become one of those people who is always living life with a positive cash flow.

Positive Wealth Consciousness
Over the years - through research, interviews and teaching my Creating Power System
I’ve learned that people who have a great deal of wealth and people who maintain a
positive cash flow have developed a positive wealth consciousness. In short - they
always have money because they always believe they will have money. As a result
they continuously attract money and moneymaking opportunities - while at the same
time they find ways to save money and make their money work for them. Now it wasn’t
always this way. Not all of them had money to start with - in fact most people earned
their money and continued to find ways to make more money.

I remember talking to a good friend, Ivan, who owns a chain of hotels across the
United States and is now expanding into Canada and overseas. He explained he had
come from an immigrant family; his father worked as an accountant and later opened a
retail store while his mother put herself through school - eventually becoming a nurse.
I’m not going to bore you with his entire life story. But my point is he didn’t have a fami-
ly that gave him a million dollars to start his venture. Instead he started off working for
his father, eventually took over the business, bought another - made it a success - sold
it and bought another until he got his first hotel just outside Dallas.

I asked him: “Were you ever nervous? Did you ever think about failing? Did you ever
have those what if thoughts?” He answered: “They entered my mind - but I dismissed
them rather quickly - I just thought about making it happen and convinced myself that it
would happen. After that I never doubted I would succeed - I just didn’t know how big
this whole thing would get.” In short Ivan developed a positive wealth consciousness -

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