
(Sean Pound) #1

without being aware of what he had technically done - but he had trained his mind and
subconscious to focus only on creating wealth.

So What Is A Positive Wealth Consciousness?
This is the process of believing that you can and will make money. It involves believing
that it is your right to make money and create wealth. It requires that you focus on all
the good things that your wealth can do for you and those around you. It means under-
standing that if you have more wealth you will help more people. It means putting your
ego aside - not desiring wealth so that you can show off and say: “Look at me, I’m
rich.” Instead - it means saying: “Yes I have a lot of wealth and that allows me to take
care of a lot of people - including my family and all those that I help when I spend my
money.” Yes you will spend your money - let’s face it - the more you have the more
you will spend. This is the basis of Creating a Wealth Consciousness. Because you
believe that having money is not a good thing - then you will never have any money -
no matter how hard you try. Once you get this new belief - that having money is a
good thing - into your system then you can begin attracting Wealth.

In order to attract wealth you need to first look at where you are now and then create a
realistic plan for the next 3 months, 6 months, year and five years. If you’re in debt and
don’t have a job - aiming to have a million dollars in 6 months is not being very realis-
tic. Instead your first priority should be to get a job and get out of debt. If you already
have a job and you want to make more money - then give yourself some realistic tar-
gets for the next 3 months, 6 months, year and 5 years. Now I know some of you will
say it’s difficult to make money - I don’t know what to do to make more money - I’m in
debt and don’t know how to get out. For every problem there is a solution - otherwise
we wouldn’t have problems. Focus on finding a solution. Train your mind to focus on
the solution. Start sending the messages to your subconscious that you want a solu-
tion. Do this regularly and you’ll get answers. The money won’t fall from the sky but
you will be guided to it.

How Do You Tr ain Your Mind?
You first focus on what you want. Let’s say you want to find a job - you start telling
yourself: “I know what to do to find a job. I’m doing the right things to find a job. I’ve
got the right job.” Then start thinking of all the possible things you can do to get a job. I

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