
(Sean Pound) #1

What You Can Do To Attract Wealth
There are a number of things you can do to attract wealth, no matter what your situa-
tion. You simply have to get your mind to work for you and not against you. Here’s a lit-
tle exercise you can do. Get a notepad and a pen. Now start thinking about making
money or improving your finances. Write down all the thoughts that come to mind
when you think about improving your finances or creating wealth. Be honest - only you
will see this list. Keep going until you feel you’ve had enough. Keep adding to that list
over the course of the day. Then when you feel you’ve got enough - take a look at
what you wrote. Underline the thoughts that are positive and circle the thoughts that
are negative. How many are negative? Any negative thought you have about money or
improving your finances is tied to a belief that you have about money and only works
against you. If you think it’s difficult to make more money - you’ll only have difficulties
when it comes to making money. Why? Because your subconscious mind is only going
to create your reality based on your beliefs. It doesn’t care if these beliefs are good or
bad for you. It simply acts on your instructions - and those instructions are your
thoughts and beliefs. So change your thoughts and you change your beliefs. Change
your beliefs and you change your life.

Karim Hajee is the author of Creating Power. With Creating Power you take
charge of your life and create the success and happiness you want and deserve.
Check it out at http://www.mindpowernews.com/CreatingPower.htm

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