
(Sean Pound) #1

The Secrets of

“Logging On Inside” to Succeed

by Bob Scheinfeld

Logging on to the Internet today is just about as amazing as making a phone call. At the
very least, we rely on it to communicate, research, sell, buy, and find recreation. But as
amazing as the Internet appears, it has its limitations. However, there's another network
you can access to get the help you need to succeed. It’s much larger and older than the
Internet, infinitely more powerful, and doesn't require a computer. It’s the invisible net-
work—and the mindset and system for tapping into it is what I call The 11th Element.

The Internet connects us at the conscious level, while the invisible network connects
us beneath our conscious awareness, at an unconscious level. Once considered “new
age” or “way out,” today international scientists, including those at Harvard University
and Stanford Research Institute, among various other private institutions, are docu-
menting the unconscious as a real and potent force.

You Have Already Connected
Have you ever known something was going to happen before it actually did? Or picked
up the phone knowing intuitively who was on the other end? Perhaps you’ve known
what someone else was going to say before they said it. You’ve certainly had hunches
that proved to be accurate. Where do you think this knowledge came from?

Rob Strasser, once a top executive with Nike, had a hunch, a feeling that the company
should invest major resources in the new “Nike Air” line of shoes. Without any hard
data backup, he pushed the project forward despite tremendous resistance from the
management team. Nike Air ended up being one of the most successful product
launches the company ever made. Where do think Strasser’s “feeling” came from?

St are at anyone through car window glass at a stoplight or in a crowded mall or sitting
several seats in front of you in a theater. Often the person will turn to look directly at
you because they “felt” you staring at them. How did they know not only that some-
one’s looking at them, but where that person is?

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