
(Sean Pound) #1

conscious capabilities.

2.Communication “Switchboard”:Messages flow 24/7 through the invisible
network at the unconscious level. Every second people are sending messages asking
for help in achieving goals and specifying the kind of help they’re willing to offer others.
And just like in the “surface world,” we discuss, negotiate, make decisions, and make
agreements at the unconscious level: “I’ll do this for you if you’ll do that for me.” The
excitement happens when we see “on the surface” the positive result of our uncon-
scious request.

If the Internet excites you, imagine magnifying its available resources and possibilities
billions of times and you have a slight idea of what’s possible when you start tapping
into the invisible network. No matter what’s going on in your business or financial life
right now—with sales, profits, income, operations, employees, net worth, investments,
and so on—it’s all being shaped in powerful and amazing ways by information and
messages previously sent into the invisible network.

Asking for Help On The Invisible Network
If you send out 20 e-mails with a question, you’ll get answers back but you can’t
expect answers to questions you didn’t ask. The invisible network works the same way.
You must ask for the help you want and need!

It may not always seem so, but at the unconscious level everyone on the planet wants
to help everyone else fulfill their life purposes and complete their missions. And just
like on the Internet, other people will help you if you ask them properly. You just have
to know how to find the right people and how to ask them for help so you get the posi-
tive response you desire.

In my 11th Element work, I show you how to access the invisible network in the most
effective way by working with your "Inner CEO" – the "internal guidance system" that
helps you attain your goals based on their relevance to your mission and purpose. You
can begin now as I did, without always having the contacts, ideas, skills, knowledge,
and resources I ultimately needed and used to succeed. Begin by asking for help and
letting your “inner guidance” be your guide.

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