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(Nora) #1

achieve your BHAG and start living the life you desire, it’s absolutely
vital that you set clear and attainable short-term goals too.

Let’s bring it back to tennis again where, in my system, I not only stress
the importance of the finish and having a clear target on each shot, but I
also make sure players get the beginning of their strokes down pat too,
so that they can perform admirably on the court.

Several details can limit a tennis player’s success when performing a
proper stroke: the way they hold the racquet, having a bad grip, their
ready position, and/or how they make their first move with their body
as the ball comes their way. Without enough skill and precision at the
beginning of the stroke, their chances for hitting solid shots dwindle.

Just like a tennis players’ grip and first move to the ball can make all the
difference with their strokes, being skillful and clear about the first steps
for creating the ultimate lifestyle is equally important.

Here’s how this can work for you. Start by setting daily action lifestyle
goals that you’ll successfully achieve everyday:

  • How much sleep do you want to get?

  • What time do you want to wake up?

  • How much will you exercise?

  • What kind of food will you eat?

  • What habits will you change?

  • What hobbies will you do that make you smile?

  • Who will you spend time with?

  • What line of work are you passionate about pursuing each day?

Answer the questions that make defining your ideal lifestyle more com-
plete for you. Write them down. What will you do each day that will get
you closer to living your life with true fulfillment and purpose?

If doing the things you love on a consistent basis isn’t a habit, make a
“to-do” list the night before and write them down.

Your “to-do’s” can be anything you want them to be as a part of your
new lifestyle. It could be tasks or activities like writing a book, making

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