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(Nora) #1

As much as we try to be present - to enjoy life with the people we care
about - there is always that nagging voice of the diligent ant that keeps
us discontent, that keeps us stock-piling for the inevitable cold season
of our future. It’s a healthy voice.

The only problem is the voice gets louder as we get older. Are we
ready? What if I get sick? What if something happens to the kids? What
if hyper-inflation visits? What if China’s economy collapses? What if
Medicare takes a hit? What about Social Security? What if we were
wrong about the Mayan calendar and the End is actually 2020? What if?
What if? Fact: the future is uncertain. We need to prepare.

So, we hunt.

We hunt for ways to make and save more money. And we hunt for ways
to make the money we save work harder for us. Since the beginning of
our credit crisis, we have been pounded by waves of real estate media
headlines. The average spectator watched in frightened paralysis. No
action. No opportunity. No progress.

Others of us who abide by Warren Buffet’s “buy when there’s blood
in the streets” investment philosophy licked our chops and got hungry.
The biggest opportunists of us all were institutions that stepped up to
drop billions of dollars in chips on the table, to bet on the recovery of
residential housing.

And it was an easy bet. Unlike the speculative nature of investing that
skyrocketed prices to artificial heights from 2004 to 2007, these yield-
driven buyers focused on properties with tangible, immediate cash flow,
ranging from 8% to 15% net return. Rich, huh? If you currently aren’t
in the markets these institutions are playing – and most of us aren’t –
you might think returns like this are unrealistic and/or high-risk. Well,
they’re not.

There is a way to find these markets with just a little common sense and
some public information. That’s what I’m here to teach you: how to
identify real estate markets that billion-dollar funds discovered to find
investments that out-perform more traditional “paper” alternatives.

I’ll walk you through the macro-steps to find the right region or local
market, then, I’ve made available additional free resources to help you
tactically follow-up on your up-front homework. Everything you need is

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