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(Nora) #1

Chapter 1

stRYA t oUR

oWn BUsIness

By Brian traCy

One of your goals, in achieving all the success that is possible for you, is
to earn a lot of money, and then, to hold on to it. Your financial and ma-
terial goals can only be accomplished when you create sufficient value
for yourself and your company, and then keep some of that value for
yourself. No matter what your goals, you will either have to achieve
them through working for the business of someone else, or by start-
ing and building your own business. In either case, the more you know
about how a business begins and grows, the faster you will be successful
in whatever you do.

More people are forming more businesses today than at any other time
in American business history. Last year, more than 820,000 new busi-
nesses were incorporated, more than 1,500,000 sole proprietorships
were formed, and more than a million partnerships were established.
Tom Peters, the business author, says that the primary driving forces of
innovation and job creation in America today is in the small and medi-
um-sized business sector.

In a time of rapid economic expansion in all directions, it is easier and
more possible for you to start your own business and to be successful than
it has ever been before. The good news is that, every single different type
of person, from every kind of background, with every limitation you can
imagine, has started and built successful businesses. And so can you.

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