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(Nora) #1

5 - CloUDIng ARoUnD Get fortune
500 teChnoloGies at a fraCtion of the Cost.

Do you know that you can set up your company to function like a For-
tune 500 company using hosted cloud services? As long as you have
Internet access and a computer, you can quickly have a network infra-
structure in place, with robust services. Using hosted cloud services is a
business technology “must have.”

One of the most popular hosted cloud services is hosted email, which
helps increase the efficiency of your business through its many new fea-
tures; employees can boost their productivity by having access to a con-
sistent inbox, calendaring, and contacts experience across PC, browser,
and mobile phone platforms. Hosted Exchange offers an enhanced Out-
look web app that can be accessed from any browser. Plus, enhance-
ments to mobile access allow you to extend the productivity benefits of
Exchange to employees even when they’re away from their PC.

Another popular hosted service is SharePoint. Hosted Windows Share-
Point is a powerful platform for building shared document repositories,
corporate Intranets, and project-specific websites. There’s no hardware
or software to manage. Windows SharePoint is designed to increase
productivity; businesses of any size can leverage it to create document
storehouses that increase collaboration within a company, and with its
partners, vendors and customers. With Windows SharePoint, you can
share documents, calendars, contacts, links, ideas and more without
wasting time exchanging inefficient emails.

Most software solutions now are available as a service over the Internet.
Accounting software, PSA, ERP, productivity software, and phone sys-
tem solutions are now available in the cloud. These technologies allow
you to operate like a Fortune 500 company...even if you’re not close to
making that list. With cloud services, the sky’s the limit!

6 - vIDeo ConFeRenCIng
Go Global froM the seat of your offiCe.

Gas prices and travel costs are expensive. Having a video conferenc-
ing solution will help you connect with people globally without leaving
your office. Most video conferencing solutions are available online for
free. There are many online video conferencing solutions available, in-

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