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(Nora) #1

But that’s not all they wanted. They also wanted to move closer to their
grandkids, go on annual cruises, and take up tennis and painting. They
not only wanted to save their money from market woes, they wanted to
enjoy market growth.

Hybrid Annuities work much like fixed index annuities; only they are
more dynamic and customizable to each client’s personal preferences
and plans. If you have big goals for your retirement life, this may be a
good solution.

We can work together to secure an income that you can take every month
without wondering if it’s too much, or whether you will outlive it. With
our chosen annuities, there’s no more uncertainty..

Hybrid annuities have some of the highest percentages of cash flow per
dollar of asset that you can get anywhere. That way, you’ll be moving
near your grandkids – not moving in with them.

By using the best features of the fixed index annuity (safety of principal
and upside interest rate potential) and the best feature of an immediate
annuity (lifetime income) a hybrid income annuity can give you the best
of both worlds without market risk.

stoP FIghtIng, sPenD ConFIDentlY
AnD tAke thAt vACAtIon, AlReADY!

Our favorite part about working with retirees and those nearing retire-
ment is seeing their lives change before our eyes. Too often, retirees
come to us with a great deal of stress and financial uncertainty about
outliving their money. We try to set them straight.

With our help, there’s no more uncertainty. There’s a cash flow guaran-
teed for life. And in our experience, that reaps much more than just
financial benefit, it provides our clients peace of mind, and allows them
to sleep well at night.

Our clients are almost always happier people when they come in for a
review than when they came in for their first consultation. One of our
favorite client stories involves a couple that came to us very worried at
first. We worked closely with them, and began to notice a change. They
were in better moods each time they came into the office.

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