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(Nora) #1

The next year when they came in for their review, the suntans were
evident, and they obviously were getting to the beach. They said they
had stopped arguing about money. In fact, they had stopped arguing all
together. They slept better, planned more trips, and genuinely enjoyed
their post-working lives. That’s how it should be.

We don’t believe that anyone, after working for three or four decades,
should suffer through financial uncertainty. Annuities are our way of
helping wean them off of old habits and financial psyches.

No more spending breakfast reading about the market, or leaving the
TV blaring with stock reports. When you’re retired and at ease, you
shouldn’t care what the traders are doing on Wall Street. You should
care about your passions, your family, and your overall wellbeing.

PlAnnIng noW FoR the FUtURe

For many, there are future generations to consider. We help in that direc-
tion as well. Plans for helping future generations are always personal
matters, and we cater to each clients needs. We’ll work with you to
provide peace of mind for both you and your children, and their children

What’s needed is to take care of you – Mom and Dad – first. Think
about what you need, besides what we’ve already discussed. You’ll get
a steady savings and a steady cash flow. But you’ll need a little more
when you begin long-term planning.

There’s healthcare to consider. There has to be emergency money set
aside. After all, there are other kinds of emergencies besides market
drops. You’ll also want money to spend on non-essentials. There are
hobbies to take on, flights to enjoy, and suites to lounge in.

After you know how to cover the above essentials, you’ll want to know
how to pass your savings along when the time comes. Like annuities,
the answer may be simpler than you imagined. Just because you should
be careful doesn’t mean the job is complicated.

It’s a good idea, though, to plan ahead. If transferring money to another
generation is important to you, then one option might be establishing an
irrevocable life insurance trust set up according to your lawyer’s legal

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