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(Nora) #1

Let me explain...

...In my business as an injury lawyer, my number one source of new
clients is word of mouth and referrals from previously satisfied clients.
The reason these clients are satisfied is because I deliver what I prom-
ise. Now, not all these clients get the payout they may have initially
expected. Sometimes a client has a higher (or lower) expectation of their
claim than is realistic, and it’s my job and responsibility as a lawyer to
help them understand the true value of their claim.

This honesty and direct talk has allowed me to build a strong bond and
relationship with my clients, which lead to referrals. Direct talk is one
of the pillars of my success. My experience is that clients want the truth
about their case. And when they know they have a lawyer who tells
them the truth, they like and trust that lawyer and will refer their friends
and family.

I could have, like some other lawyers, told a half-truth in the initial cli-
ent interview and promised a bigger case value than could possibly be
achieved. This may have made them sign up with me immediately, but,
in the end, when they didn’t get that value they were promised, they
would not be satisfied with the result or with me. A lawyer who over-
promises results will soon be found out and their business will suffer.

It’s important in all actions you take within your business, financial and
personal life that you act with honesty and integrity. Tell the truth and
build trust. It will result in clients who trust you, and refer others to you.

So your first pillar of success is:

I. ACt WIth honestY AnD IntegRItY At All tIMes,

I know this sounds simple and most folks probably already believe that
it is a core value within their business. But, the problem is, as economic
times get difficult, and in an effort to “get the sale” the line between
honesty and integrity can become blurred if you don’t vigilantly prac-
tice honesty and integrity in all areas of your life.

Your mom was right. Always tell the truth. The future success you cre-
ate for yourself by acting honestly and with integrity is far greater than
any short-term gain from a sale made by compromising your values.

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