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(Nora) #1

on. I fought through those hard times and created success for myself. I
stuck it out.

The reason why I was able to fight on and achieve success was because
I was passionate about what I was doing, I was living my PURPOSE.
This is not something which I regularly share, in fact it almost makes me
uncomfortable to open up so much but I want you to know the TRUTH
about my success.

You see, I’m not saying that being a LAWYER is my purpose, being a
lawyer is merely a vehicle used to achieve my purpose. I believe that my
purpose is to fight for, and achieve, FULL JUSTICE for those in need.

My clients are often people who couldn’t help themselves, people who
were being taken advantage of, people who were living with physical
and emotional pain and DESERVED JUSTICE in their lives. This is my
purpose and EVERY SINGLE DAY I live my purpose. And, because I
live my purpose, I attract into my life the people, the resources and the
opportunities that cause me to succeed.

Then the third pillar of success is:

III. lIve YoUR PURPose AnD Use the PAssIon
It gIves YoU to sUCCeeD

Just a quick point I would like to make here before I move to the fourth
pillar. You are already starting to see that SUCCESS has very little to do
with the VEHICLE you choose for success, but is based on the funda-
mental principles behind success.

I personally believe that EVERY PERSON can live these fundamental
principles and that’s why I believe that success is something that every-
one can achieve. If you can align yourself with these principles, success
may not be instant but it most certainly will be forthcoming.

With that said let’s move to the fourth pillar of my success, which again,
just like the other three pillars, is a principle rather than a practical ve-
hicle. The fourth pillar is to understand the value and worth of your
product or service.

Often I meet folks who have issues with selling their products or ser-
vices because they are not comfortable with the value they are deliver-

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