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(Nora) #1

The difference between Oscar, who reaches such extraordinary peaks,
and the other children born around the same time under the same stars,
is how they use archetypal qualities of the psyche. There are nine core
qualities in the psychological DNA and it is highly unlikely that you
will get near achieving your highest potential without embracing and
mastering them.

The laws of the universe allow us to predict, with more or less certainty,
what might happen under specific conditions. Your free will defies that
predictability. You get to choose if, how, and to what extent you will use
your psychological qualities to fulfill your potential.

Professor Zimbardo cut short his 1971 Stanford Prison Experiment
because volunteers arbitrarily assigned as guards or prisoners became
sadistic and showed severe signs of stress. Zimbardo told the BBC in
2011, β€œIt does tell us that human nature is not totally under the control of
what we like to think of as free will, but that the majority of us can be se-
duced into behaving in ways totally atypical of what we believe we are.”

We all face this danger. Not exercising choice as to how we live our
lives, means we risk being seduced by circumstances that encourage us
to live on autopilot, or risk living up to our full potential because we are
under the seduction of conditions that do not make it easy or convenient
to do so.

The nine core qualities are the keys to your success. They are highly in-
terrelated, but are individually recognizable. Like your DNA, how they
work in your life, their patterns of operation and degree of interaction is
specific to you and your free will.

Grouped under the three headings of Mind, Heart, and Spirit, the nine
Core Qualities of the human psyche are:

Mind Heart Spirit

Intuition Honor Optimism


Courage Faith Ingenuity
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