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(Nora) #1

  • Developing resilience, your ability to recover or bounce back.

Endurance is not suffering or passiveness. It is mental and inner
strength to deal effectively with challenges. Doing what is meaningful
to you is crucial for the entrepreneur’s inner strength and staying
steady and focused.

There is a fine balance between endurance and obstinacy. Obstinate is
stubborn, inflexible, and intransigent while endurance is tenacious, res-
olute, persistent, and determined.

This is the judgment of Pluto, which changes your destiny, again and again

Everyone wants to make a difference in this world; to matter. Something
inside you just knows you can change things for the better or that you
can be of service. The signature of faith is that there is no proof. You run
on confidence and trust.

Because life will challenge you, success is only possible if you have
faith. For great success, faith needs to be the with-all-your-heart kind.
Success will have a hard time finding you if you dance around the edges.
This is your life, your future, your destiny, and your legacy. The capital
you have to invest is faith.

Do you have that all-consuming faith?

  1. You know you matter. When you know you can make a differ-
    ence, you are called and you become a seeker, looking for ways
    to make it happen.

  2. You define the faith. It is not given to or pushed on you, you
    choose it, embrace it, and make it part of you.

  3. Faith commands. You are not asking for something. There is no
    option of failure.

  4. Faith receives. When you are on your path, it feels like the uni-
    verse is cooperating. Seize opportunity and express gratitude
    for good things that come your way.

Allowing others to sense your faith in yourself, your company and your
vision, fosters confidence from the people you work with – partners,
vendors and clients. It gives them faith.

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