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(Nora) #1

what has happened to you and try to regain your balance, years have
gone past you and you cannot regain anytime you have lost in the course
of your adventure in life. This reminds me of a Latin adage which states
tempus neminem manet meaning ‘time waits for no one’ (,
2012). Take advantage of time; do not let time creep up on you.

the ACt oF ReAlIZAtIon

This may be referred to as the moment of truth and is characterized
by self-awakening and the willingness to change or improve on certain
things or areas in your life. Though you may not acknowledge this when
it first dawns on you, but accepting the unraveling of reality as it is,
provides you with the liberty to determine what your next move will be.
At this point in your life, you should be able to differentiate your mere
perception of things happening around you from the reality of life that
you are part of, the things that you witness on a daily basis that motivate
you to do something about improving your life. These are things that
make you want to become a new and improved you as well as excel in
all your endeavors and accomplish all your dreams.

I asked myself one question at some point in my life that changed my
entire life today; and I would like for you to ask yourself this same ques-
tion today as you read through this chapter. The question in context here
is, “Are you happy with your current condition?” Because if you are not
happy with your present status, you can make things happen by chang-
ing certain things in your life to become a better version of yourself.
You have the capability of turning your life around for good. The scope
of this concept could be approached from both an individual and group
perspective, and the condition in this regard may include but is not lim-
ited to your current job, improving your school grades, going to col-
lege, improving on areas in your life such as losing or gaining weight,
trying new nutrition/dieting regimen or even improving your business,
working on your relationship or becoming a pro athlete, a movie star, a
musician or anything humanly possible that you could set your mind on.

The premium lesson to be learned here is accepting that you need to
make a change in your life and believe that you can do it despite any
challenge that may come your way – taking necessary actions and using
strategic steps to make this happen.

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