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(Nora) #1

that needs change or improvement. Critics say that strategic thinking is
a combination of individual intellectual process – a mindset or method
of intellectual analysis that encourages individuals like you and I to po-
sition ourselves as leaders and see things from a broader perspective –
while strategic planning helps you as a person or as a group in develop-
ing steps necessary to reaching your desired goals (Swayne et al, 2008).

In my experience, the success strategy allows me to brainstorm ideas
and come up with potential steps that could help me reach my set goals.
Another thing that helped me a lot is prioritizing and writing out steps
and setting up action plan or implementation strategy that will allow me
to accomplish my goals in a timely manner. The premium lesson here is
that you have to have a strategy to succeed in all your endeavors in life,
and writing your goals and plan of action down on paper will constantly
remind you of things you need to do to get your goals accomplished.
Once that is imprinted in your conscious mind, your chances of bringing
your goals to fruition would be magnified, thereby encouraging you to
take precautionary measures as well as keep you motivated until your
goals are achieved.

the ACt oF ACtUAlIZIng YoUR goAls

Now, it is time for you to bring your goals and dreams to reality; but
what happens after that? Everyone would like to have their goals ac-
complished in their life time. You may ask why most people do not
usually get to reach their goals in life? Could it be because they have
not really tried or maybe they did not try hard enough? It could be any
of the above or other factors that may impede a person from reaching a
desired goal. It is not enough to identify your goal and develop steps to
accomplish your mission in life. You should also have action plans that
will take you in the direction of your goals and build upon those actions
to keep you competitive as you move along, because getting to your
desired goal is one thing and maintaining your goal and taking it to the
next level is another.

Now that you have headed in the direction of achieving your goals;
what next? This is where the concept of competition comes in because
with the rate of technological evolution and a major shift from an indus-
trial to a knowledge-based economic approach to society, you need to
constantly upgrade your knowledge with what you do before it becomes
obsolete to the system. Take for example, physicians engage in life-

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