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(Nora) #1

Busy work is a necessary evil. Less than 10 hours per week is ideal, 0 is
impossible. Delegation is key to reducing hours, hand off what you can
and efficiently manage what you can’t.

Executing business is the easy part but largely critical to any business.
Whether I am showing property, negotiating terms or even reviewing
contracts, time accumulates and it must be tracked.

At the end of a work week, calculate how much time was spent where.
Track your progress over the course of one month, overlay this total with
your overall production then compare to your anticipated value. This will
not only net you the greatest return, but also enable you to efficiently
manage this non-renewable resource. The goal is to refine your workweek
to improve efficiency and focus more on income-producing activities.

get oUt oF the Box, AnD then look In...

I often find myself peering deep into any business that I encounter where
the goal is to try and understand the business model. What are the oper-
ating costs? Where is the margin? How do they execute the upsell? Like
I’m at a zoo, I stare and wonder what are they doing and why?

One day my wife told me that during trips to Disney World, she observes
the park as a business and picks up on ways that Disney has refined the
operation to maximize not only profit but also guest experience. This is
the mindset of an entrepreneur; find diverse avenues to provide a best-
in-class product and service.

Being immersed in the inner workings of your business, it is difficult to
visualize how you are perceived by the customers walking through the
door. Often you can miss some of the most obvious flaws or gaps in your
operation, because you are not looking from the outside in. Remove
yourself from the operational mindset of your business and observe it
as a customer. Take yourself through the transactional process mentally
and physically. Be a client so you can effectively serve your client.

seRve YoUR ClIents AnD In tURn,
theY WIll seRve YoU...

Some time ago, during the beginning stages of a real estate transaction,
a broker declined to bring his client to a building I represented because
the offering fee was not above market and did not include a monetary

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