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(Nora) #1

bonus package. Keeping my ear to the group, I discovered who his client
was and what they were hunting for. Interestingly, this business model
was a functional perfect fit for my facility. I decided to reach out to the
broker in hopes of convincing him to bring his client over for a space
tour, not to my surprise, his tune changed dramatically as his client was
leaving the country in a matter of hours.

It turns out; this very busy client from London provided his broker a
month of advanced notice to schedule a property tour so that in one day
he could view all available options to secure a location for occupancy
within 2 months time. Instead of putting his client first, the broker de-
cided to short list the properties offering the largest fee. During the tour,
the client was extremely disappointed that no property met his require-
ments and was considering holding off on his building pursuit which
would change his business strategy dramatically.

With an hour to spare, I quickly set up the building tour with the bro-
ker. Upon arrival, the client quickly ascertained that I had not only per-
formed my homework on his functional needs, but also on the com-
pany and their business strategy. In short, the building was ideal, and he
quickly executed a long-term lease on the facility. Within one year, the
business was performing so well that he appointed me alone to expand
his operation so that he could occupy the entire facility.

The moral of the story is your client’s best interests are your priority,
always. Building the perception of client-first business is generally not
an overnight success story, so take time to ensure the service being per-
formed is executed at the highest level. Build the brand of a company
that looks on its clients business as if it were your own.

Be A sPeCIAlIst...

Take two doctors; one is a general practitioner providing a wide range
of medical services to its patients. The other is a spinal cord surgeon
providing a small range of very specific procedures. Take a wild guess
to which doctor takes home the larger annual income.

From another angle, consider two business owners offering automotive
services. You own a rare European car that is in need of a carburetor
overhaul. Owner #1 offers general automotive service on any make and
model. Owner #2 is a specialist in fuel delivery systems solely for Euro-

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