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(Nora) #1

Sometimes people think high dollar business owners have ice running
through their veins and they are emotionally great mountains of stabil-
ity. I have not found that to be the case. Even the alpha males in my
industry have a breaking point. Sometimes they need to know there is
someone there that understands their crisis and genuinely cares about
helping them through the situation.

I have found the same principle translates into the consumer market.
Although the consumer typically isn’t dealing with such large stakes,
nonetheless, they still can be overcome with the stress resulting from
their own crisis. A homeowner who is having a financially difficult time
can also be at an emotional breaking point, and it then becomes my re-
sponsibility to understand the reason for their stress so I can be a voice
of reason, comfort and consolation. I can be the one that helps them
think through their crisis objectively and be part of a strategy that will
help them get back on their feet again. The reality is that it may not be
enough just to be sympathetic with people; you may have to help them
develop a vision of where they’re going from this point on. People will
remember you more for your emotional support and friendship than for
the sales contract you negotiate for them.


To summarize, my life lessons that have led to my success include:

  • Knowledge is power

  • It’s not always about what you know, it’s also about who you know

  • Always act ethically

  • Be courageous

  • Always exceed expectations

  • Be a caring person.

I’m sure you have also realized some of your own life lessons that have
formed your path toward success. There isn’t any one path to success,
but I strongly believe the principles I have shared with you in this chap-
ter are a foundational part of any success story. If you put these prin-
ciples into action, I’m convinced opportunities will arise from places
you didn’t expect.

To your success!

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