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(Nora) #1

planned. Rejoice in the fact that you have learned from the experience
and it hasn’t repeated itself!

We IMAgIne thAt We WAnt to esCAPe oUR
selFIsh AnD CoMMonPlACe exIstenCe, BUt
We ClIng DesPeRAtelY to oUR ChAIns

I once heard someone say that in the absence of fact, people use cliché.
Clichés are over-used phrases that a person will lean on because they
are lacking original thought. How many times this week have you heard
someone at work use one of the following phrases?

  • Think outside-the-box

  • Win-win situation

  • Give 110%

  • Push the envelope

  • Hit the ground running

  • Today, more than ever...

  • Perfect storm

  • Cast a wider net

Why do we as leaders insist on evolving our technology and way of
thinking but refuse to let go of outdated rhetoric and expression? Why
are we smart enough to agree that there is a time and place for every-
thing, but struggle to let go of that which may be getting in the way of
our success? Something worth considering is that perhaps the reason we
are unable to obtain the results we seek (personally or professionally)
is due to our reliance on well-intentioned clichés. In other words, there
was a time when the person who hit the ground running as an outside-
the-box thinker that gave 110% resulted in the casting of a wider net
which yielded a win-win situation for all. Today more than ever, I say
enough with the clichés already! Today is as good a day as any to leave
clichés to the amateurs. Successful people dare to be original and inspir-
ing. You are not a cliché and your body of work should not be either.

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