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(Nora) #1

  1. Use more than one tool to solve your problems. There are many
    different ways to solve a problem and twice as many tools to
    assist in the effort. If you find yourself confronting your chal-
    lenges with the same aggressive approach, you will find that
    more problems have been inadvertently created. If you insist on
    being soft-spoken and always needing consensus, you may be
    perceived as being weak and indecisive. Develop a balance of
    comfort with being collaborative when you need to be and an
    authoritative decision-maker when the situation requires. Both
    will be necessary on your journey of success.

  2. Embrace adversity as teachable moments worth remembering.
    The best way to prevent negative surprises is to plan and pre-
    pare relentlessly. Part of planning and preparing includes your
    response to phenomena that happen without your control. You
    take an extra jacket on a hike because you remembered that last
    time you left one behind. You arrive at the airport 90 minutes
    early, because you remember what happed the last time you
    only prepared for a minimum delay. Adversity turns to failure
    only when you ignore the wealth of information that the experi-
    ence provided.

  3. You are better than a cliché! Success demands that you release
    mediocrity and embrace excellence. In order to do that, you
    must avoid the temptation to blend in at all costs. Add value to
    your clients by delivering in unique and innovate ways.

  4. Shop the perimeter. Welcoming the challenge of molding a raw
    idea into an incredible final product is what motivated you in
    the first place. Never forget your roots when partnering with
    businesses and individuals. The times demand that you invest in
    yourself and your business in a way that guarantees fresh ideas
    and more meaningful results.

  5. Demand feedback that fosters growth. I absolutely agree that
    we should be proud of who we are and the service we provide.
    It is hearing about the opportunities to grow that separate the
    mediocre from the elite.

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