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(Nora) #1

In my office we sit down every December and outline our goals for the
upcoming year. After establishing the specifics related to these long-
term goals, we then plan what needs to be done the week before the
goal, the month before, and the other months preceding the event date.
Then, every week at our staff meeting we discuss where we are in our
progress toward accomplishing those monthly goals. It’s easy to lose
track of the big picture when you’re working every day and day-to-day
life comes into play. So, every week we evaluate our monthly goals and
determine what needs to be done in that particular week to get us closer
to the fulfillment of that monthly goal and ultimately the overall long-
term goal.

I encourage you to develop your own system to track your goals and
your progress. You will be surprised at how much more productive you
will become.

sURRoUnD YoURselF WIth the RIght PeoPle

It is very important to have someone that you can talk to and who will
support you in your dreams and goals. For me, that person is my hus-
band. We discuss how we can accomplish things and we do it as a team.
If you don’t have a spouse that can help you get there, you can find a
mentor. If you can’t afford to pay for a mentor, find a friend or someone
that you can connect with, who you can talk with about your dreams and
what you want to do to make a difference in your life as well as in the
lives of others. That person can help keep you on track as well.

My husband is probably the biggest reason why I am where I am to-
day. I’m not a risk taker, that’s why I’m so good at what I do. I invest
people’s money safely in environments where they cannot lose money. I
can guarantee that because I use investment products that are not at risk
in the market. My personality is couched in safety and my nature is the
very opposite of a risk taker. However, my husband believes sometimes
we have to take chances in life to get what we want. When I want to
go into my protective and safe mode, he is standing back there saying,
“We’re not going to be able to make enough money to give that house
away unless you do this or unless you do that.” He’s always the one
that’s guiding me to make good decisions. I’m very fortunate to have a
husband and mentor who shares in my vision for the future. If he were
not a giving and caring person and a visionary, then I would never be
able to reach my goals.

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