The Dictionary of Human Geography

(nextflipdebug2) #1

foreland 331
Forer, P. 758
forestry 108, 261
Formula 1 376
Fortes, Meyer 265
forward linkages 419
Fotheringham, A. Stewart
geographically weighted
regression (GWR) 286–7
intervening opportunities 393
quantitative methods 611
Foucauldianism 802
Foucault, Michel
actor-network theory (ANT) 6
bare life (‘naked life’) 41
biopolitics, biopower 48
body 50, 51
boundary 55
carceral geographies 64
cartography, history of 70
contextuality 112
critical geopolitics 121
critical theory 126
culture 137
disciplinary power 165–6
discourse analysis 168
episteme 206
epistemology 206
ethnomethodology 220
flows 257
genealogy 270
geographical imagination 283
geography 290
governable space 312
governmentality 314–15
health and health care 326
heterotopia 330
historical geography 334
historicism 336
ideology 367
labour market 405
landscape 410
literature 420
Marxism 445
Orientalism 514
Panopticon 517–18
philosophy 530, 531
political geography 551
population geography 553
post-development 563
power 576
prisons 583
production of space 592
representation 645
resistance 647
science/science studies 667
security 673
sex 679
social theory 699
sovereign power 705, 706
space 709
spatiality 717
subaltern studies 727
subject/subjectivity 729, 730

surveillance 733
sustainability 738
territoriality 745
war 804
Grand Theory 316
hermeneutics 329
local knowledge 423
philosophy 530
post-structuralism 572
pragmatism 578
Foundations of economic analysis
(Samuelson) 495
Fourth World262–3
fractal263, 271
Africa, idea of 9, 11
agrarian question 14
historical demography 331
historical geography 332
industrial district 376
post-industrial society 565
Francisco de Barros e Sousa,
Manuel 67
Franco-Prussian War (1870–1)
military geography 465
multilateralism 482
Frank, Andre Gunder.See
Gunder Frank, Andre
Frank, Phillip 430
Frankfurt School
critical theory 125
hegemony 327
Marxism 444
postmodernity 569
social theory 698
Fraser, A. 589
Fraser, N.
private and public spheres 584
recognition 623
Frazier, E.F. 79
free markets
development 155
economic integration 182
economy 184
equilibrium 209
free port263–4
free trade
comparative advantage 105
farming 241
neo-liberalism 498
tariff 741
terms of trade 743
World Social Forum
(WSF) 812
World Trade Organization
(WTO) 813
free trade area (FTA) 264
Freeman, C. 424
French Physiocrats 406
French Revolution
cosmopolitanism 117
health and health care 326
Malthusian model 433

French School
possibilism 560
probabilism 585
frequency distribution 682
Freud, Sigmund
critical theory 125
deconstruction 147
identity 365
Marxism 445
Other/Otherness 515
psychoanalytic theory 595–7
subject/subjectivity 729
Frey, A. 633
friction of distance 264
accessibility 3
Alonso model 23
geography 294
human geography 351
population potential 554
quantitative methods 608
search behaviour 670
time–space convergence 758
Friedland, W. 101
Friedman, Milton
capitalism 60, 63
market 443
neo-liberalism 497
political economy 548
World Social Forum
(WSF) 812
Friedman, Susan Stanford 713
Friedman, Thomas 308–9, 310
Friedmann, H.
agro-food system 21
intensive agriculture 389
Friedmann, John
global cities/world cities 304,
urbanization 792, 793
effect 264
agrarianquestion 14
colonialism 97
heartland 326
kibbutz 401
war 804
frontier thesis 265
frontier 264
Lamarck(ian)ism 408
sequent occupance 677
FTA.Seefree trade area
Fuller, D. 6
functional region.Seenodal
base and superstructure 42
culture 135
feminist geographies 247
ideology 367
media 450
modernism 470
patriarchy 522
Sjoberg model 686

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