The Dictionary of Human Geography

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social movements 695
structural functionalism 725
system 740
time–space distanciation 759
Funtowicz, Silvio 570
Furnivall, J.S. 543
Fuss, D. 210
fuzzy sets/fuzzy logic 266
classification and
regionalization 90
clusters 92
Geographic Information
Systems (GIS) 280
neural networks 499

G8 32
Gadamer, Hans-Georg 329
Gaines, T. 786
Galbraith, John Kenneth 385
Galilei, Galileo
chorology/chorography 83
cosmography 117
hypothesis 362
science/science studies 666
scientific revolution(s) 669
Galileo system 307
Gall-Peters projection 438–9
Galton, Francis 616
Galtung, Johann 798
GAM.Seegeographical analysis
Gamble, C. 233
game theory 267
agent-based modelling 13
decision-making 144
prisoner’s dilemma 582
public choice theory 598
rational choice theory 621
Gandhi, Indira 727
Gandhi, Mohandas
anti-development 31
post-development 562
Gandy, M.
indistinction, zone of 375
urbanization 793
Gans, H.J. 791
garden city 267
green belt 317
neighbourhood unit 495
new town 501
urban and regional
planning 782
Garfinkel, Harold
actor-network theory (ANT) 6
ethnomethodology 219
Garnham, N. 450
Garreau, J. 186
Garrison, William L.
location theory 426–7
quantitative methods 607
quantitative revolution 611
gated communities267–8
privatization 585
suburb/anization 732

urban geography 787
urbanization 792–3
Gaza Strip
intifada 394
Middle East, idea of 460
prisons 583
GB Profiles 277
GDP.Seegross domestic product
Geary, C. 711–12
Geddes, Patrick
conurbation 114
cultural geography 130, 131
global cities/world cities 304
Lamarck(ian)ism 408
megalopolis 453
possibilism 560
urban and regional
planning 782
Geertz, Clifford
agricultural involution 19
historicism 336
local knowledge 422
relativism 641
text 750
thick description 753
explanation machine
rural–urban continuum 660
society 702
accessibility 3
ageing 13
body 51
Boserup thesis 55
children 81
class 88
colonialism 95
contextual effect 110
critical geopolitics 122
cultural geography 131
cultural turn 134
cyberspace 139
cycle of poverty 141
diaspora 159
difference 159, 160
diffusion 161
disability 165
division of labour 170
domestic labour 170
domesticity 172
domination 172
egalitarianism 187
empire 190
entrepreneurship 195
environmental justice 201
equality 208
ethnicity 217
famine 240
farming 241
fascism 242
feminism 243–4
feminist geographies 244–8

flaneur/flanerie 256
focus group 258
Fordism 261
Fourth World 263
genocide 272
gentrification 274
geography, history of 297
health and health care 325
home 342
homo sacer 344
household 346
identity 365
ideology 367
imperialism 374
industrial revolution 379
inequality, spatial 381
institutional economics 385
interviews and
interviewing 393
labour geography 404
labour market 405
leisure 416
locality 425
minor theory 467
money and finance 477
Orientalism 514
Other/Otherness 515
patriarchy 522
performativity 526–7
phallocentrism 527
political ecology 545, 547
political economy 548
political geography 550
population geography 553
post-industrial city 565
poverty 574
power-geometry 576
private and public spheres 584
psychoanalytic theory 597
public space 602
quantitative methods 609
queer theory 612, 613
recognition 623
retailing 654
rights 657
sex 679
slavery 687
social construction 691
social geography 693
social justice 694
social reproduction 697
society 702
sovereign power 705
sport(s) 718
subalternstudies 728
subject/subjectivity 728
suburb/anization 732
topography 762
travel writing 774
trust 778
underclass 779
universalism 782
urban geography 785
whiteness 810

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