The Dictionary of Human Geography

(nextflipdebug2) #1

map reading 439
Harley, J.B.
cartography 68
map 434
Harre ́, Rom 655
Harris, Chauncey
multiple nuclei model 484
urban geography 784
Harris, Laurence 651
Harrison, B. 182
Harrison, C. 198
Harriss-White, Barbara 381
Hart, Gillian
capitalism 62
development 156
globalization 311
glocalization 312
local–global relations 424
Hart, J.F. 634
Hart, Keith 381
Hart, Roger 80
Hartshorne, Richard
areal differentiation 35
chorology/chorography 83
economic geography 179, 180
exceptionalism 226, 227
functionalism 266
geography 288, 290, 291
geography, history of 298
Kantianism 399
landscape 409
logical positivism 430
space 707–8
spatial science 715
time 755
Harvey, David
base and superstructure 43
capitalism 62, 63
city 86
creative destruction 119
crisis 121
dialectic(s) 157, 158
difference 159
economic geography 179, 181
economic integration 183
ethics 212
explanation 230
flexible accumulation 256–7
functionalism 266
geographical imagination
geography 294, 295
globalization 310
Grand Theory 315, 316
historical materialism 336
human geography 353
imperialism 373
integration 388
internal relations 390
Kantianism 400–1
labour theory of value 407
limits to growth 419
location theory 427
logical empiricism 430

logical positivism 430
market 442
Marxism 444, 445
Marxist economics 446
Marxist geography 446, 447
metaphor 456
model 469
modernism 470
modernity 473
money and finance 476
monuments 478
philosophy 531
political geography 550
postmodernity 569
power 575
power-geometry 576
process 586, 587
production of space 592
property 594
public policy, geography
and 600
quantitative revolution 611,
radical geography 619
reconstruction 624
redistribution 625
relevance 642
rent 644
social geography 692
social justice 694
socialism 701
space 708
space-economy 710
structuralism 725
theory 752
time–space compression 757,
time–space expansion 760
uneven development 781
urban geography 785
utopia 795–6
values 797
vision and visuality 801
Haughton, Samuel 90
Haushofer, Karl
geopolitics 301
Geopolitik 302
political geography 549
Haussmannization 790
Havel, Vaclav 441
Hawley, J.C. 783
Hay, A.M. 586, 587
Hayden, D. 454
Hayek, Friedrich von
capitalism 60, 63
market 441–3
individualism 457
neo-liberalism 497
political economy 548
post-socialism 571
World Social Forum
(WSF) 812
Hays-Mitchell, M. 799

cadastral mapping 57
children 80
environmental hazard 198
geography 293
pollution 551
risk 658
security 673
Head Count Index 574
health and health care325–6
collective consumption 94
decision-making 145
disability 165
epidemiology 206
evidence-based policy 225
fecundity 243
Geographic Information
Systems (GIS) 280
medical geography 451–3
pandemic 517
policing 544
public services 601
recreation 624
sexuality 680
Third World 754
health geography
mortality 481
qualitative methods 603
social geography 693
imperialism 373
political geography 549
Heasman, M. 21
Hecataeus of Miletus
areal differentiation 35
chorology/chorography 82
Heckscher-Ohlin model 588
Hegel, G.W.F.
creative destruction 119
deconstruction 147
dialectic(s) 157
governmentality 314
historicism 336
Marxism 444
Other/Otherness 515
phenomenology 528
production of space 592
teleology 742
trialectics 776
Hegelianism 10
hegemony 327
American empire 26
Anglocentrism 28
cartography 68
Chinatown 82
civil society 87
cultural geography 131
culture 137
decolonization 147
domination 172
economic geography 181
epistemology 206
Eurocentrism 221

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