The Dictionary of Human Geography

(nextflipdebug2) #1

proto-industrialization 595
regional geography 634
Sjoberg model 685
industrialization 380
Africa, idea of 11
agrarian question 15
Agricultural Revolution 19
agro-food system 21
blockbusting 50
communitarianism 103
community 104
core–periphery model 115
deindustrialization 150
famine 240
farming 241
financial exclusion 254
flexible accumulation 257
growth theory 321
historical demography 332
historical geography 335
household 346
intensive agriculture 389
just-in-time production 397–8
modernism 469
petro-capitalism 527
post-industrial city 565
post-industrial society565–6
pre-industrial city 579
profit cycle 593
proto-industrialization 595
regional geography 634
rustbelt 660
sense of place 676
time–space distanciation 760
urban and regional
planning 782, 783
biotechnology 50
critical theory 125
factors of production 237
growth pole 320
labour geography 404
inequality, spatial380–1
egalitarianism 187
equality 208
information theory 382
Los Angeles School 432
public finance 598
redistribution 625
welfare geography 807
welfare state 807
infant mortality 331–2
inflation 500
informal recreation 624
informal sector 156,381–2
information economy 382
location theory 428
post-industrial society 565
information technology
bioprospecting 48
network society 498
information theory 382
cartography 68
entropy 195

Geographic Information
Science (GISc) 279
informational city 382
Infosys 516
agglomeration 14
agricultural geography 17
cadastral mapping 57
fiscal crisis 255
friction of distance 264
governmentality 314
growth pole 321
neighbourhood 494
network(s) 499
plantation 542
quantitative methods 608
restructuring 652
stages of growth 720
state 723
Third World 754
urban and regional
planning 782
Ingold, Tim
animals 29
perception 203
landscape 410, 411
inheritance systems 383
inner city383–4
financial exclusion 255
gentrification 273–4
ghetto 303
invasion and succession 395
new town 501
post-industrial city 565
red-light districts 625
zone of dependence 816
Innis, Harold A.
environmental history 199
staples theory 722
cellular automata 74
clusters 92
communication(s) 102
creative destruction 119
cyberspace 139
entrepreneurship 195
industrial district 376
mode of production 468
product life cycle 588
profit cycle 593
science park 668
simulation 683
staples theory 722
input-output 385
economic base theory 178
economies of scale 183
economies of scope 184
feedback 243
multipliers 484
productivity 592
Institut National d’E ́tudes
De ́mographique
(INED) 331

Institute of British Geographers
(IBG) 286
institutional economics385–6
institutionalism 387
location theory 427
individualism 457
pragmatism 578
space-economy 711
institutional models 111
market 440
segregation 674
institutionalization (travelling
theory) 775
instrumentalism 387
culture 137
ethnicity 216
local knowledge 422
relevance 642
agrarian question 15
agribusiness 16
economic integration182–3
linkages 419
restructuring 653
social geography 693
intellectual property
patenting 522
place names 542
Intellectual Property Rights
(IPR)388–9, 594
intensive agriculture 389
agricultural involution 19
farming 241, 242
shifting cultivation 682
intensive research 234, 389
cyberspace 139
spatial interaction 713
symbolic interactionism 739
Intercontinental Caravan 766
Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change (IPCC)
climate 90
global warming 308
internal relations389–90
abstraction 2
ontology 512
internal sovereignty 706
internally displaced persons
(IDPs) 629
International Association of
Geomorphologists 290
International Bank for
Reconstruction and
Development (IBRD)
market 442
reconstruction 624
International Conference for
the Exploration of the
Sea 107

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