The Dictionary of Human Geography

(nextflipdebug2) #1

methodology (cont’d)
science/science studies 666
subject/subjectivity 731
metropolitan area 459
census 75
conurbation 114
micropolis 459
post-industrial city 565
system 740
urban and regional
planning 782
urban fringe 784
Mexican-Americans 42
Mexico 318
micropolis 459
microsimulation 459
ecological inference 175
e-social science 210
population geography 553
simulation 683
Middle Ages 191
Middle East
empire 190
geostrategic realms 302
historical geography 332
holocaust 338
imperialism 373
oil 510
Orientalism 514
regional geography 633
resource wars 651
security 672
Middle East, idea of459–61
Middle East Command 460
Middle East Department 460
m.i.f.Seemean information field
labour market 405
population geography 553
adaptation 8
anthropogeography 30
assimilation 38
Austral(as)ia, idea of 39
back-to-the-city movement 41
behavioural geography 44
blockbusting 50
Brenner thesis 56
carceral geographies 65
chain migration 78
Chicago School 80
children 81
cohort 92
conflict 106
contrapuntal geographies 113
counter-urbanization 119
demographic transition 152
demography 153
diaspora 158–9
domesticity 172
dual economy 173
emigration 188
ethnicity 215
family reconstitution 239

famine 240
fertility 249
fiscal migration255–6
friction of distance 264
gravity model 316
Green Revolution 319
home 341
homophobia and
heterosexism 344
identity 366
informal sector 381
intervening opportunities 392
invasion and succession 395
labour geography 404
labour market 405
Lamarck(ian)ism 408
life course/life-cycle 418
life table 418
mean information field (m.i.f.)
mental maps/cognitive
maps 455
mobility 467
mortality 481
peasant 524
population geography 553,
population projection 555
qualitative methods 603
quantitative methods 607
social geography 693
social reproduction 697
spatial identity 712
squatting 719
system 740
time–space expansion 761
tourism 763
transculturation 768
transnationalism 772
Mikesell, M.W. 45
milieu 273
cyborg 141
feudalism 249
geographical societies 286
military geography465–6
empire 190
geographical imagination 284
geography 287
map reading 439
militarism 465
security 672
virtual geographies 800
war 804
military occupation.See
occupation, military
military rule 508
Mill, H.R. 532–3
Mill, John Stuart
plantation 543
resource 648
utilitarianism 794
Millennium Cohort (UK)

sampling 663
secondary data analysis 671
Millennium Development
Goals 739
Miller, A. 534
Mills, C. Wright
geographical imagination 283
Grand Theory 315
Milne, D. 721
mimesis 466
Cartesianism 65
vision and visuality 801
visual methods 802
Mingay, G.E. 20
Minkowski, Hermann 755
minor theory466–7
postmodernity 570
post-structuralism 573
theory 752
Mirabeau, Victor Riqueti,
marquis de 406
Mirowski,P. 621
Mises, Ludwig von 441
missing at random (MAR) 736
missing completely at random
(MCAR) 736
Mitchell, Don
culture 136–7
dialectic(s) 158
landscape 410
public space 602
relevance 642
rights 657
social justice 694
urban geography 787
violence 799
Mitchell, James 324
Mitchell, K. 623
Mitchell, Timothy
boundary 55
economy 185
epistemology 207
geographical imagination 284
Mitchell, W.J.T. 410
Mitchell, Wesley 385
MLwiN (software) 703
accessibility 3
Chicago School 79
children 80
life course/life-cycle 418
modernity 471
neighbourhood 494
nomadism 501–2
spatial mismatch 713–14
transport geography 773
urban ecology 783
mode of production 468
base and superstructure 42
feudalism 249
historical materialism 335
internal relations 390
labour process 406
labour theory of value 407

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