The Dictionary of Human Geography

(nextflipdebug2) #1

normative theory 505
Poisson regression models 544
quantitative methods 607
spatial autocorrelation 712
spatial econometrics 712
transferability 770
transport costs 773
transport geography 773
spatial mismatch713–14
accessibility 3
underclass 779
spatial monopoly 714
spatial practices 776
spatial science714–15
abstraction 2
art 36
chorology/chorography 83
diffusion 160
distance decay 169
economic geography 179
economy 185
epistemology 207
Euclidean space 220
Eurocentrism 221
everyday life 224
exceptionalism 227
existentialism 228
explanation 229
geocomputation 275
geographical imagination 282,
geography 289, 292
geo-informatics 299
Grand Theory 315
hermeneutics 329
historical geography 333
historicism 336
human geography 351
humanism 356
hypothesis 362
imaginative geographies 370
innovation 384
Kantianism 399
landscape 409
law 414
literature 420
local knowledge 423
local statistics 424
locational analysis 428
logical positivism 430
longitudinal data analysis
(LDA) 432
macrogeography 433
metaphor 456
military geography 465
model 468
modernism 470
modifiable areal unit problem
(maup) 475
morphology 480
nomothetic 502
ontology 512
paradigm 518

phenomenology 528
philosophy 530
population geography 553
process 586
qualitative methods 603
quantitative methods 608–11
quantitative revolution 611
radical geography 619
rational choice theory 639
realism 623
reductionism 627
regional geography 633, 634
scientific revolution(s) 669
social space 697
space 708
spatial analysis 711
spatial fetishism 712
spatiality 716
subject/subjectivity 728
theory 751
time–space convergence 758
transport costs 773
universalism 782
urban geography 785
urban origins 789
visualization 802
von Thu ̈nen model 803
spatial separatism 715
space 708
spatial fetishism 712
spatial structure 715
democracy 151–2
distance decay 169
macrogeography 433
metageography 455
process 586
quantitative methods 608
spatiality 716
body 51
Chicago School 79
colonialism 95, 97
ethnography 218
exception, space of 226
hermeneutics 329
homophobia and
heterosexism 344
industrial district 376
literature 420
minor theory 466
philosophy 530
pragmatism 578
settler society 679
sexuality 679
territoriality 745
trialectics 776
trust 778
urban ecology 783
Special Economic Zones
(SEZs) 263–4
special geography
chorology/chorography 83
regional geography 632

commodity 100–1
cultural economy 128
modernity 473
situationists/situationism 685
sport(s) 718
vision and visuality 801
war 806
Spencer, Herbert 698
Spengler, Joseph 720
Spinoza, Baruch
affect 8–9
biophilosophy 47
ethics 213
Marxism 445
naturalism 492
ontology 512
state of nature 724
Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty
critical geopolitics 121
foundationalism 262
subaltern studies 727
tricontinentalism 776
spontaneous settlement 718
sport(s) 624, 718
sprawl 719
accessibility 3
Alonso model 24
central business district
(CBD) 76
centrifugal and centripetal
forces 78
compact city 104
conurbation 114
counter-urbanization 119
edge city 186
fractal 263
green belt 317
megalopolis 453
metropolitan area 459
new town 501
ribbon development 656
suburb/anization 732
transport geography 773
urbanization 793
zoning 816
Spry, I.M. 722
SPSS 704
Spykman, Nicholas 301
barrio 42
city 86
homelessness 343
populism 556
slum 688
spontaneous settlement 718
urbanization 793
Sraffa, Piero
analytical Marxism 27
location theory 427
neo-Ricardianeconomics 498
Stackelberg game 267
Staeheli, L.
relevance 642
urban geography 787

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